Monday, November 1, 2010

Hot Earth Balanced Rum

Am I really going to blog every weekday this month?   I don't know, but here goes... Hey, it had to happen: it was getting cold out, and my friend Adrea had brought some rum to my birthday party that was assuredly going to go bad if I didn't do something with it.  I always thought hot buttered rum was a little weird, and I think using earth balance doesn't exactly help.  Still, it's a very cozy, comforting sort of drink, totally inoffensive, though I think I'd rather just have an interesting dark ale. More rum recipes, btw, are on their way.  :)
Hot Earth Balanced Rum
(adapted from
Ingredients 1 small slice earth balance 1 tsp brown sugar cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves vanilla extract 2 oz dark (spiced?) rum hot water
Instructions Muddle together everything except for the hot water, then add hot water and mix well.  Serves 1.

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