Monday, January 10, 2011

Turkish Bulgur Pomegranate Salad

It's tabouleh gone wild!!!

Only very tangentially related: If this fusion restaurant's website could talk...

What a perfect recipe: balanced, high in fiber, higher still in deliciousness, inventive while still staying within the culinary realm of one part of the world.  This recipe from taste space was really lovely.  I omitted tomatoes because I didn't have any, and it was a little unclear to me whether the recipe called for 1 c cooked or uncooked bulgur--I went for uncooked, which meant that a greater proportion of the recipe was bulgur (especially in relation to the chickpeas), but when I added everything it seemed about right, and that's not even counting the tomatoes, if you use them.  The dressing was pretty strong, especially the sweet-tartness of the pomegranate molasses, so if you want a less intensely sweet flavor, you might want to cut back there, but I will definitely be making this again!  It's also perfect for taking to work as it's (again) delicious and complete unto itself.

Turkish Bulgur Pomegranate Salad

1 c (that is, 1 c before cooking?) coarse bulgur, prepared according to package directions
1 c cooked chickpeas (i.e., about 1/4-1/3 c dry?)
2 c cherry tomatoes, about 1 pint, halved
1/2 c almonds, slivered and toasted
1/2 c pomegranate seeds (about 1/2 of a large pomegranate)
1/3 c chopped mint
zest from 1 lemon
1/2 tsp salt, or more to taste
2 TB (or less) pomegranate molasses
2 TB fresh lemon juice
2 TB olive oil
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

Combine everything through salt, toss well.  Combine remaining ingredients and add only just before serving.  Serves 4-5.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! I love this salad! It is definitely 1 cup dry bulgur, but I like my salads with more stuff compared to grain. The chickpeas could even be increased, even pan-roasted. Of course, toasted almonds are always better. :)
