Thursday, February 24, 2011

Winter Tabouleh

I was so excited to make this recipe and finally buy some sumac, a spice I know only from its inclusion in za'atar.  But I didn't really like this recipe.  To be fair, I made it when I didn't have too much of an appetite to begin with, but even so... for one, I felt like there was far too much cabbage in relation to the chickpeas and the bulgur, and for two, the sumac was really overpowering.  I'd start with only a little bit and then add more if you want.  Sumac has a pungent, sour taste that's very unique.  I've posted an adapted recipe with these reactions in mind.

Winter Tabouleh
(adapted from taste of beirut)

1-2 c finely shredded cabbage
1/2 c bulgur
1-2 c chick peas
1/4 c green onions, chopped
1-3 cloves of garlic, pressed
1 tsp salt
juice of 1 lemon
1/3 c olive oil
1-3 tsp sumac
2 TB ground dried mint
1 avocado

1. Cook the bulgur, then drain and mix in a large bowl with chickpeas and cabbage.
2. Mix together garlic, salt, lemon, oil, sumac, and mint.  Then mix this into the large bowl.  Serve with avocado slices.  Serves 3-4.


  1. Thanks for your feedback. I have sumac but haven't really used it in a recipe yet either.

    I have 2 recipes bookmarked though:

  2. Hi Janet,
    Thanks for the recipes! I bet the sumac works really well with potatoes.
