Friday, December 17, 2010

Creamy Coconut-Lime Turnip Soup


I bought turnips and parsnips last week because I realized I wasn't sure I'd ever had them.  Upon reflection, though, I think I did get a few turnips in CSA boxes my first year here in LA... And there was this co-op dinner one time that involved turnips that had been dyed blue (though I was not involved in the preparation of this Blokus cornbread)...

(also note the cafeteria pan, the mismatched dishes, the juice in random jars, and the "Presidents of the USA" placemat...)

Anyway, I was like, what am I supposed to do with this weird purple and white vegetable?  I went through the indexes of my cookbooks (oh yes, that's right... I had no google all week), and it was pretty slim pickings.  Seems like the turnip (and its interchangeable cousin, the rutabaga) isn't very popular these days.  I settled on a strange-sounding puree in Veganomicon, which zinged up the already zingy rutabaga with coconut milk and lime juice.  I mostly followed the recipe, but I think my iteration got a bit more liquid in it than was called for, so it turned out as a soup.  It's creamy, rich, and refreshing all at once, though I thought adding the scallions actually made it better--otherwise you're not sure if it's a savory thing or not.  Given the coconut and the lime, though, it seems like basil might make a pretty rad garnish, too... if it were at all in season.

Creamy Coconut-Lime Turnip Soup
(adapted from "Rutabaga Puree" in Veganomicon)

2 turnips or rutabagas, peeled and cubed
1/4 c coconut milk
juice of 1/2-1 lime
salt to taste
maple syrup to taste
water as needed
scallions, minced

1. Boil turnips in a pot of water until soft; then drain.
2. In a blender or food processor, puree turnips with everything else except the scallions.  Add a little water if you desire a soupier consistency.
3. Serve warm, garnished with scallions.  Serves about 3.

1 comment:

  1. Buying vegetable that I have no clue how to cook sounds like something I would do! My favourite time is when I bought a quince (except I didn't know what it was - just that it looked like an apple and a pear). I ate it raw and decided my other one needed to get more ripe. It never seemed to get more ripe... and then I learned it was a quince that you can't really eat raw... ;)

    Your soup looks really good, though!
