Thursday, December 27, 2012

Peanut Sauce

I'm a big fan of bootleg peanut sauces. I even get my "I hate cooking" friends to make them. All you need, I say, is peanut butter, plus 1) spicy, 2) salty, and 3) sour. If you use sriracha, you've covered all three bases.

I liked that this sauce also used toasted sesame oil and molasses. And the idea that you could use apple cider vinegar in place of citrus is interesting, and it makes sense (in a pinch, I've done this with hummus). But overall, I found the rawness of the garlic and the ginger to be a bit too much. I might use garlic powder instead; it also blends better. Overall, it's nice to have a few new peanut sauce tricks up my sleeve.

Peanut Sauce (on steamed tempeh and veggies)
(adapted/via taste space)


2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 c peanut butter
1/2-inch segment of ginger, chopped
1 TB chopped onion
1 TB tamari
2 TB apple cider vinegar or fresh lime juice
1 TB dark molasses
1 TB toasted sesame oil
salt, to taste
3 TB water

BLEND!, adding water until you reach your desired consistency. Makes about 3/4 c.

1 comment:

  1. Booyah! I love your idea to introduce non-vegans to lovely food through peanut sauces. I am planning a cooking date with a friend and I may very well bring this recipe. :)
