Thursday, June 9, 2011

Lapsang Tofu

When I acquire a new ingredient (or when I think of one I haven't used in a long time), I leave it out on the counter so that it watches me as I cook, silently guilting me into using it.  For some (kombu, for example), it takes a while.  But for these new additions to my cupboard, it didn't take long at all.

Yet another example of macro-Southern fusion, this recipe from seitan is my motor caught my eye because it uses not only Worcestershire sauce and smoked paprika, but also lapsong souchong tea!  Lapsong souchong has been a favorite of mine ever since 2004, when my friend Myer solemnly ushered us into his room in our old co-op house (RIP [the house, not Myer]) and poured us some of this mysterious smoky tea.

I used the cooking method from orange pan-glazed tofu or tempeh, and I used honey, but otherwise I kept the recipe pretty much the same.  I wanted less sweet, more salty, and some spicy in it, but the flavors were still really great.  And pairing it with the collard slaw was a natural choice.

Smoky Tofu with Lapsang Souchong

1 block extra firm or firm tofu
100 ml brewed lapsang souchong (about 1 teabag in 1/2 c hot water)
1 TB jerk sauce (substitute [vegan] Worcestershire sauce)
1 TB soy sauce
1/2 tsp salt, to taste
1 tsp smoked paprika
2 tsp honey or agave nectar (or less)
1 large garlic clove, pressed
consider: cayenne pepper

1. Press tofu and drain.  Cut into bite-sized pieces.
2. Combine remaining ingredients and set aside.
3. In a large skillet, fry tofu pieces on one side, then flip over and do the other side.  Tofu should be golden brown.  Then add mixture of remaining ingredients and simmer, spooning liquid over tofu pieces until it's mostly gone.  Serve hot or cold.  Serves about 3.

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