Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Spicy Sausage-Flavored Cabbage and Noodles

Oh hey.  I had a half a cabbage left over from the braised cabbage with chorizo recipe, so I made this.  As I've mentioned before, a pre-made sausage-spice mix is a very good thing to have-- instant flavorocity.  Also, going halvsies on cabbage and noodles creates a dish that is not only texturally interested, but also low carb... if you're into that sort of thing.  I have to say, every time a recipe comes up on google reader with the word "healthy" in the title, I skip it.  Sure, the food that I eat is by most standards quite healthy, but if you're flaunting it, it seems like you're compensating for a lack of deliciousness.  I could go on and on about fool customers at a place I once worked who went nuts over the disgusting "healthy" muffin we sold... which wasn't even that healthy.

...But I digress.  I know this doesn't look too exciting, but it was delicious, filling, fast, and ridiculously cheap.  Whole wheat pasta gives you considerable protein and fiber, or you could pair it with a more proteiny dish.  I'll definitely make it again.

Spicy Sausage-Flavored Cabbage and Noodles

1 onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
 1/2 cabbage, shredded
1-2 c veg stock
2-3 servings whole wheat linguine, cooked

Heat oil in a large skillet.  Saute onion, then add garlic and continue cooking.  Add sausage seasoning, and cabbage, cook several minutes, then add stock.  Reduce heat, cover, and simmer 5 minutes or until cabbage is slightly wilted but still retains a bit of a crunch.  Stir in noodles, add salt to taste (remember, you used stock), and remove from heat.  Serve hot.  Serves 4.


  1. Totally agree, not into the "healthy" label, either. I just try to eat the way people pre-industrialized food system, and I think it's as simple as that.

  2. &(*&#(*&# *people ate (this is what happens when you're typing fast and multi-tasking, lol)
