Saturday, November 19, 2011

Chickpeas with Walnuts and Fried Sage

I've always wanted to try a recipe with fried sage leaves.  This simple recipe from taste of beirut was really good, though I wanted more sage and definitely less butter (suggested changes are given in the recipe below).  The texture of the fried sage leaves is delicate and crispy, and the flavor goes well with walnuts.  I ate this warm on its own, mixed with the sausagey cabbage recipe I recently posted, and even on salad.

Chickpeas with Walnuts and Fried Sage

2 c chickpeas, cooked
1/4 c earth balance
salt, to taste
30 sage leaves (or more)
1/2 c of walnuts, chopped coarsely (or pecans or hazelnuts)

Place the butter in a skillet; let it froth then drop the sage leaves and walnuts; let the leaves fry gently in butter (don't let burn) and then add the chickpeas and some salt. Combine and serve.  Serves about 3.

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